19 March 2008

Swashbuckling Swarthy Yumminess.....

After watching the Phantom of the Opera yesterday morning for the first time, I realized two things. First, I totally would've gone with the Phantom, most notably because Raoul's hair was a bit too curly bouncy for me. Second, I realized with shame that for too long I have denied this man prime position in my Hottie Parade (now added) for Ewan McGregor. Surely, you ask, I could have both? Well, of course I could, but I've always been about quality, not quantity, so I periodically cull my Parade of unnecessary talent. Also, Ewan is boring me of late. And if eye candy bores me, eye candy is culled. Omg I am so mean!!

1 comment:

~Nikki said...

another tantalizing piece of pure yumminess! HA!