18 December 2008

Oooo Christmas is next week!

(edit) NOTE TO SELF: Buy more sparkly lights and decorations next year!! I haven't bought new decorations since my red baubles from Walmart 12 years ago. 99% of the others were bought at Pier One Imports in Orem what, 15 years ago?? Yikes. Overdue!!

So! After a short hiatus, I am bok. Here are some pics! And my wee wonky tree. I always seem to choose the lonely wierdie ones! The place I bought it from offered free stands with purchase, so I was like, yeah!! Of course it was a cheap plastic stand, and even my 4 ft tree tipped over when it was secured in it. So, thankfully, my barbells were put to good use to counter-balance. I think the barbells are just thrilled they're being used. Seriously though, my wee tree loks a lot better in person, and I'm a bit disappointed the sparkly lights didnae show up. It looks kinda glum!

I also included a pic of framed photos of my Ba and gramps Turner; one's their wedding photo and the other an anniversary pic (anyone remember which year??). My brother RJ looks sewwww much like my grandpa, same smile, same nose, same squinty eyes when he smiles, and I think my little sis Rachel has her smile. I bought the poinsettia because Ba used to be fanatical about having one every Christmas. No one was safe until she did!

And I included updated photos of my kitchen with my framed CATbox Art Studio veggie/fruit prints and Dia de los Muertos cards. I love the vibrant colours; they really set off the walnut and glossy black of the kitchen.


~Nikki said...

YAY!!! I can smell the wonderful wonkiness!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE the pics framed around the hoose, too! Ahhh, i miss that place!!!!!!!! Now, git some pics taken of yer wee nook already!!!!!!!!! lol

TheFatTubist said...

Haha, I think the best we got this year is the Christmas laundry pile.

SaraN said...

I love your tree! Everything looks so great!

Anonymous said...

Hey Becks! Christine and I are looking at your house and just lovin' it! I'd also love to see a picture of the outside. I really enjoyed reading everything. Keep up the good work. And maybe I could borrow the Gunne Sax dress for my next wedding. lol As I was reading, I noticed that there are a lot of things in common between you and Christine. To put it, you are 'kindred spirits.' Love you and miss you. Talk to you later.