SO I'm a little late to the party as usual. BUT! I have an excuse. I have family over!! After nearly 11 years, my dad has finally decided to visit. Wow. So I been a wee bit bizzy!
Okay, so here's my pic - my antique hall stand.
One day we got a flyer through the door - an antique shop had opened up about 5 minutes from the house in an industrial park, so we decided to go for a look-see! This hallstand was featured on the flyer so that's what we were specifically interested in. The place was owned by a father and daughter; they both traveled all over to personally choose pieces for their wee shop. they were really nice :) We ended up purchasing this stand and an old wood chest that currently resides in my 'wee nook'.
One day we got a flyer through the door - an antique shop had opened up about 5 minutes from the house in an industrial park, so we decided to go for a look-see! This hallstand was featured on the flyer so that's what we were specifically interested in. The place was owned by a father and daughter; they both traveled all over to personally choose pieces for their wee shop. they were really nice :) We ended up purchasing this stand and an old wood chest that currently resides in my 'wee nook'.
Anyway! On the right of the stand rests various caps of Yooin's; they don't really 'go' with the feel of the stand, but......whatevs. On the left hangs a few of my lovely scarves, and perched on the bench lid are the flowers I pinched (stole) from the entertainment unit in the livingroom. Teehee! There's a wee drawer we keep various bits and bobs in, and just below is an umbrella stand, although we don't own any long umbrellas. The carvings and knots in the wood are wonderful. Oooo, you can also see my bathroom door refected in the mirror! Boss!
I love that piece of furniture! I'd pick one just like it if there were a place for it. Plus, it'd have to be about twice as wide to be fully functional for us!! haha
i adore this hall tree. It is just beautiful! Ahhhh . . .
Ah! NO...I want it! Another dream piece.
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